Monday, July 6, 2009

Ok so today mom made Pappya Salad. I'm thinking that this is a Loasian dish but it is similar to that of Thai Pappy Salad.

Usually when mom makes this its good to eat but today it was just.....woah! Too spicy!

LOL yeah I usually love to eat Spicy food but today, I guess cuz I'm still a little ill, it was so spicy it brought tears and a runny nose! That's spicy, right?!

Here's the Salad so spicy it made me almost cry:

I didn't make it look soo only has pappya, tomatos and small chili peppers.

These babies are the one my mom used....; - ; they were hot!!

That was probably the only exciting thing going on for me today. I sat around and basically was a bum!! >.< lol I talked online with my friend a little and read some awesome yaoi fanfics (i.e Harry Potter, Naruto, and D. Gray Man)

I even went and called my family in Vietnam!! Yeah, I was that bored! -____-

But yeah, I hope this didn't bore you too much because I know it bored me a lot cuz well....I've been bored all day.

See you soon, hopefully with a new dish from my mom!! ^__^

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