Saturday, July 11, 2009 an Asian Grocery Store

I don't particularly remember when the last time I updated, probably Thursday.

So today, again its not food, my father and I went to the store out in University City at Olive Blvd.

I usually see fresh fish for sale and everything but, well, today they had frogs. LIVE FROGS!

I knew Asian people eat frogs but never have I seen live frogs for sale. I was absolutely disgusted but I had to share how those poor creature looked.

You'll feel sorry too......

SO here's the dead fishes I saw.....ewwwwww


On a happier note, I saw this huge box of strawberry snacks!

Soooo pretty.....but too sweet!!

Although I really like these, I only eat it on occasion. I'm not a fan of sweets....-____-

But I loove cake, I know, I'm weird.

Well that's it for today. I hope I didn't disgust you too much!

Much Love,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

3rd Post.......Stars!?

Okay so I haven't posted in a few days, big deal?! LOL Yeah mom haven't been cooking anything lastly so I had to come up with things to eat.

Well today its actually, totally not about food. Not about Food?! Whats wrong with me?!

Well, nothing. Nothing is wrong with little old me. However, today I am posting about stars.

Stars?! Yep, Stars. Today I bought a bag of origami star paper and learned how to fold it.

Ok this is all the ones I was able to proud! I messed up a lot for these!! >.<

Ok this is another picture....also on my sexy Dell Laptop.........

I'm soooo sorry for the horrible quality....I took this on my phone! ; - ;

So I hope this wasn't as boring!!

Much Love,

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ok so today mom made Pappya Salad. I'm thinking that this is a Loasian dish but it is similar to that of Thai Pappy Salad.

Usually when mom makes this its good to eat but today it was just.....woah! Too spicy!

LOL yeah I usually love to eat Spicy food but today, I guess cuz I'm still a little ill, it was so spicy it brought tears and a runny nose! That's spicy, right?!

Here's the Salad so spicy it made me almost cry:

I didn't make it look soo only has pappya, tomatos and small chili peppers.

These babies are the one my mom used....; - ; they were hot!!

That was probably the only exciting thing going on for me today. I sat around and basically was a bum!! >.< lol I talked online with my friend a little and read some awesome yaoi fanfics (i.e Harry Potter, Naruto, and D. Gray Man)

I even went and called my family in Vietnam!! Yeah, I was that bored! -____-

But yeah, I hope this didn't bore you too much because I know it bored me a lot cuz well....I've been bored all day.

See you soon, hopefully with a new dish from my mom!! ^__^