Sunday, December 19, 2010
Another day Another post
How have you guys been? Great I hope! School just let out and I'm excited to just stay at home and sleep! I know, I know, I'm sounding like a bum, but....this semester has been tough!
I've been thinking about stuff lately...I always do! I need to change!
I need to change today to be better for tomorrow! :)
Ok so this is a seriously short post but I don't have much to say for today.
Love you very much,
Saturday, November 13, 2010
A post since....September
Things has been so hectic at home. I have no one to talk to and I feel as if I am alone in my world. We (my family and myself) are sinking lower and lower. I can't say why but I'm entirely too tired. I try to find a job but interview after interview no one would hire me. And seeing my mum struggles, hurts me so much but I am useless. I really do try. Just that the world won't give me the opportunity.
Sometimes I can't help but feel that my friends find me annoying and just wants to ignore me. Its just a gut feeling.
I'm just a depressing person! I'm gonna go willow in self depression, I'll post again soon.
Muuch Love,
Saturday, September 4, 2010
A new update....since forever?!
Anyways, there hasn't been much happening. I began my third semester in college and I guess I'm doing ok in it. If I had known that I would have to go through Biology again, I would've tried to get A's in high school! >.<
My Biology teacher ridiculously funny. He's old but cool and funny! He's like Davide Amane from Prince of Tennis....yeah the one that makes jokes and laughs at it himself.....though I'm laughing with him! (yeah its an amazingly will known fact that I am easily amused!) My Elementary Algebra a little quiet but he's nice, he answers all my dumb questions (-___-), no I am serious it is dumb! I've never been good with Word Problems and I had to make him help me, and I STILL don't know how to do them! My sociology teacher is funny, fun and patient, so I totally like her! Lastly my American History teacher is awesome too! She's young and fun and yeah....I'm weird! ^___^ But you loves me!
Um, other then that, nothing much else really happened. Actually......I've been sick twice! Once before school started (3 days before actually) and two weeks later...I'm sick again! This time I'm running a fever, runny nose, sore throat, and teary eyes! Ugh its annoying cuz my nose hurt and I can't sleep! Ugh it sucks being sick!
Well, now I have to think about my homework! Just last night I slept dreaming about leaping worksheet and talking books! I'm going crazy! lol
Anyways, I'll update soon. Oh heads up, I got a new blog going. Its a review blog for entertainment stuffy (movies and music).
So loves you and yaoi forever!
Muuuch love,
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Canda Winter Games Olympic Opening
God I am so pissed with people comparing the two. Also did China invite the Athletes in to watch the opening! NO!
Canada and China are two fucking different countries...God you people are fucking nasty buggers who need to get the fuck off of Canada, they gave you an opening that EVERYONE who attended was able to see, so fuck off.
LOL sorry you guys have to read this its just so damn annoying how people think Canada should've did something the level of China, people forget that these two countries are so different. And both did a great job, and on such an opening there was also great sadness and tragedy. An Athlete died just hours before the opening. May god and buddha bless his soul. My deepest apologizes to his family in Georgia, may god and buddha help them through this hardship.
Well to conclude I have to say, to each their own. You like and think what you want and I, on the other hand, will say, do, like and think what I want. Canada you did great!
Friday, August 28, 2009
School.....yeah....And everything else?
I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I am a avid fan of learning. No matter what people say there is an endless, I mean limitless, amount of knowledge out in the world for us to learn and absorb. There was a saying that, "Knowledge is power"...whoever said that, credit to you. That saying is true, with knowledge in hand, you'll be able to achieve things that one who only holds a diploma can only imagine.
Although I am a bum...possibly by nature. No matter where, at the most important event or of such, of course only in my family, I seem to have the urge to gravitate towards the world of sleep. Public events, it seems, I have more self control because, no matter how sad this truth is, I am really not that fond of my family. I love my mother and brother to death. However, that can not be said for my other families especially my uncles and aunts from both sides.
How often do you hear one of your aunts bad mouthing her own siblings, nieces and nephews? Well that is my aunt. Accusation was probably her favorite pass time. I mean, come on, my mother is someone who can't lie for anything, actually she probably can't lie even if her life is on a line, that woman dare goes and say my mother is a greasy, greedy, lying b***h. HER OWN SISTER! I would've slapped her myself if it wasn't for that fact that culture does not allow such blunt disrespect. So as a true daughter to my father, although sometimes I swear I wish that I was someone else daughter who accidentally was switched at birth, I gave her passing, pissable and sarcastic remarks about everything. She still didnt get the hint. AND THEN, the damn nerve of that woman! She dare speak ill of my brother...of course, he's a bastard but still, MY BROTHER! No matter how much I hate the git, he's still my brother, she had no rights. Then she went to me, I mean I don't care. Talk all you want about me because, truthfully, I don't give a sh*t about it.
Its sad that she talks and talks about us behind our backs, and ruined my mother and father faces in public here in this small (yeah right) Vietnamese community and kinda hurt my pride at being Viet, because really, all these Vietnamese people in this city (maybe not all) are gossip crazed, backstabbing a-holes that needs to mind their own businesses. However, since her departure back to Vietnam last Saturday, I found out all the people she was backstabbing and gossiping with about my family, are telling my mother what her nasty ass was saying about us and THEY'RE backstabbing her now. What goes around, comes around.
Anyways, back to school. Gosh, I seriously can't believe I'm in college now. Of course I was immensely excited about my first day of class last Monday, and I was almost jumping with glee and eyes barely focused on anything, was highly disappointed. College, I thought, was to challenge everything and anything I've learned but these classes were a little less then what I had expected. However, I liked the classes, especially my Japanese Language class, I thought it was fun last Wednesday! My sensei looked about to burst into tears listening to us introduce ourselves in Japanese (of course copying the books), might I add bad japanese? We stuttered, mispronounce, etc. It was funny but by the end of the 3rd hour and we got better, she smiled and told us we tried hard and she expect us to try harder! LOL I don't mind, I like the class.
My friend (although in a different State now) text me and tells me to make friends. How am I to do that when these 'adults' looks no where but forwards? I feel sooo little in all my classes well except for Pre-Algebra, not the only one in there that feels stupid for failing the placement test.
Anyways, post is toooo long! So see you guys, whoever follows and read this, later.
Much Love,
Saturday, August 15, 2009
But recently I went back to being totally in love with the couple, Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter. I would prefer that Harry to bottom with as many males as possible but then that wouldn't be right so I stuck with my first hot boy for Harry which is Draco. God I think they're the best for each other. They're siding for different sides but if, under different circumstances, I think Draco would love to join with Harry. In HBP Draco looked so sad and pained that even I almost cried for his sake. If only someone was able to be there for him when he needed the most, he would've turned out differently. But it doesn't matter, I've never picked up the series and porbably never will, all I know is from summeries, movies and etc. What I usually do is read until my heart content on Right now that site is my life, my everything, that is until school starts.
Tomorrow my friend is leaving for college, I know I shouldn't be emotional about such a thing but yeah I'm sad about it. He's like a brother to me and to know that he's going away to college by himself makes me sad but I'm not his mother so not much I can do but wish him luck. For those who're going off to college, I hope you the best of luck and luck in your studies. Make your own decisions and don't regret them, make the right ones and not the wrong.
Be safe, Love. I'll Promise to me here when you need me!!
Much Love

Credits to Aarinfantasy and whoever uploaded this picture, much love to you guys.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Well today was just so uncool, very uncool. I woke up feeling a little upset, a little more so then many of my other days. I thought “Okay, Okay. No worries, just not feeling well.” So I brushed to off and went to do stuff.
Usually on Fridays, I go to the Bank with my dad and we buy something to eat. <---- First strike
We did go to the bank and everything but when I asked him what he wanted, he tells me, “whatever you want.”
I was like okay pops, “how about pizza? You wanted some last week.” He just plainly said whatever and so I called and order and I already knew that PizzaHut have that 2 Large 2 topping Pizza’s for 9.99 each deal. I tell him and he was like okay…..but I don’t think he heard me right. <--- Strike two
I ordered and I think the moment I hung up the phone and told him how much, he figured out what I meant and he went off. I mean the man ears almost burned right off from the steam he was letting out. I understand that it’s hot and all but really? Off on me?
Telling him how much it was was my last strike.
But because I am such a respectful little person, I sat there and listened to him rant on his life before he came over here to the U.S.
I mean I understand how hard it was, but to blame me for what he ate during the week was too much.
HE was the one who wanted Burger King for Dinner Monday, HE was the one who said my mom didn’t cook anything Thursday and wanted Penn Station (actually, no, it wasn’t him but my aunt)and today he just told me to go ahead and order something and then regrets it.
I mean I don’t really care about being yelled at, I mean living with my parents for 18 years I should know them like the back of my hand. Well then I guess I don't know the back of my hand that well......but considering that my pops has mood swings like a preggy woman, I don't think it should count.
Looking at his face when I sat foot in the car, I was already careful not to tick him off. But I was unsuccessful in the department of avoiding confrontation with his anger. Sucks to be me at that moment.
Another mistake which almost got my head chopped off was that I forgot about the DVD’s he wanted to let his friends borrow. Okay so I’m forgetful, so forgive me. He should’ve reminded me again after the first time. This is exactly the same as when I forgot to give him my cap and gown picture…………I mean he went CRAZY, screaming and threatening to disown me crazy.
Even though I should be used to it, hearing people yell at me is always a little too much and a blow to my already bruised pride. But at least it’s not a boring day, right?
Picture of Cute Lambo from KHR (Credits to uploader at